Month: December 2021

Untangling grief: Living beyond a great loss

“The horse has left the barn.” Those six words, said by my husband’s oncologist, changed our lives forever, although the sense of impending loss had begun weeks earlier with a blood test. There would be more tests, exams, and visits to specialists. As George and I waited for a definitive diagnosis, we bargained with ourselves …

Untangling grief: Living beyond a great loss Read More »

Weight stigma: As harmful as obesity itself?

Weight stigma, as defined in a recent BioMed Central article, is the “social rejection and devaluation that accrues to those who do not comply with prevailing social norms of adequate body weight and shape.” Put simply, weight stigma is a form of discrimination based on a person’s body weight. The authors of this article assert …

Weight stigma: As harmful as obesity itself? Read More »

Some men whose prostate cancer progresses can safely delay treatment

Prostate cancer can progress over long durations, and if a man’s tumor has features that predict slow growth, he can opt for active surveillance instead of immediate treatment. Men on active surveillance get routine PSA blood tests and prostate biopsies, and are treated only if the cancer advances or shows evidence of increasing activity. But …

Some men whose prostate cancer progresses can safely delay treatment Read More »

Colon cancer screening decisions: What’s the best option and when?

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States, and rates are rising, particularly in adults ages 20 to 49. Unfortunately, approximately 30% of eligible people in the US still have not been screened for CRC. Colon cancer may be prevented with screening tests that look for cancer or …

Colon cancer screening decisions: What’s the best option and when? Read More »

Numb from the news? Understanding why and what to do may help

In the spring of 2020, the pandemic catapulted many of us into shock and fear — our lives upended, our routines unmoored. Great uncertainty at the onset evolved into hope that, a year later, a semblance of normalcy might return. Yet not only do people continue to face uncertainty, but many of us have also …

Numb from the news? Understanding why and what to do may help Read More »